Newsletter 50 (April 2021)Dear Colleague
The seasons of the year come and go, constantly and unfailing. While the landscapes change into the beautiful barrage of oranges, yellows, reds and browns of autumn and we experience general warm, dry weather with days getting shorter, temperatures cooling down, we are reminded that change is inevitable. But we are also reminded once again, that things do not stay the same forever and there is always hope for things to change for the good.
Life fails to be perfect, but never fails to be beautiful.
The Trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go.
The month of May is energy month and we are reminded how precious energy is. Without the different forms of energy, we cannot work, not even perform the simplest of tasks. The intermittent energy cuts from Eskom are a grey area when it comes to energy and it has a huge impact on daily activities and productivity. It is an energy source that should especially be used sparingly and managed well. May is also recognised as Africa month – a time when the continent of Africa commemorates the founding of the Organisation of Africa Unity (OAU).
“There is no way to be a perfect mother, just a million ways to be a good one.”
May is also the month in which we celebrate all mothers for their selfless sacrifices and love in their commitment to their children and households. If you are still fortunate to celebrate this special day, may it be a joyous and blessed day with this special person(s) in your life.
Signing of Wills
A Will is as good as the validity of the signing thereof. Just a reminder of the most important aspects to pay attention to:
The testator/testatrix must sign at the bottom of each page of the Will.
Two impartial witnesses must sign with the testators on the last page of the Will and must all be together at the same time. A witness only attests to the fact that it really is the testators who signed the Will and that they were of sound mind when doing so. The content of the Will is of no concern to them.
Keep in mind that no beneficiary, nominated executor or trustee, guardian or their spouses may act in the capacity of witness.
If someone must sign by the making of a mark, it must be done before a commissioner of oaths who must co-sign each page and cannot sign as a witness as well. Two impartial witnesses must still sign with them and all be present at the same time. Should this be the case you must inform your Wills drafted so that the Will can be drafted accordingly and a letter for the commissioner added.
Any changes made on the Will, must be signed by the testator(s) and the witnesses, otherwise they will be deemed invalid. These witnesses need not be the same as the ones who witnessed in the first place.
See our website,, for full instructions on the signing of a Will.
Read more about this in the next edition
The trustee manages the trust’s assets. The trustee’s fiduciary duties include a duty of loyalty, a duty of prudence and subsidiary duties.
The duty of loyalty requires that the trustee administer the trust solely in the interest of the beneficiaries.
The duty of prudence requires that the trustee is held to an objective standard of care in managing the trust property.
Subsidiary rules include the duty of impartiality (no favoritism between classes of beneficiaries), the duty not to co-mingle trust property and the trustee’s personal property and the duty to inform and account to beneficiaries.
Anyone accepting a position as a trustee, must be aware of its significant responsibility and must have the necessary capabilities to perform such a duty. We will discuss the Wiid v Wiid case of 2012 further below, in which it was quoted that “the object of the powers given to a trustee is to enable him to do justice to the fiduciary duties which attach to his office. It is self-evident that there is a duty to exercise all powers in such a manner that the beneficiaries reap the benefits. Although the trustees’ duties can be listed under a number of headings, the dominant consideration inherent in all the duties is the benefit of the beneficiaries.”
There are two main types of trusts:
Inter vivos trusts (living trusts): created while still alive; and
Testamentary trusts (after death): created in terms of a Will.
The most common forms of inter vivos trusts are discretionary trusts. In this type of trust, the trustees have the sole discretion to the vesting of benefits or assets in beneficiaries. The beneficiaries only have contingent rights to the income, capital gains, assets, or trust capital of the trust. Contingent rights depend on a future event or the performance or an action by the trustees such as a decision to make a distribution. Payments of income, capital gains and/or capital are made at the discretion of the trustees and all non-allocated income and capital gains are taxable in the hands of the trust.
Therefore, it is imperative that the trustees’ powers and obligations, including a clear description of the trustees’ discretionary powers and duties, must be clearly stipulated in the trust deed. A trust is a “creature of document” and all the powers that is given to the trustees in the trust deed, are the only powers they will have. If the powers are limited, the trustees have no further discretion and they are bound by those limited powers entrusted to them.
It is important that trustees must understand what the founder had in mind when he/she created the trust and exercise their discretion accordingly. Especially where the trustees were given wide discretion in the trust deed.
In the case of PPWAWU National Provident Fund v Chemical Energy Paper Printing Wood and Allied Workers Union of 2008, the trustees were found to be acting in breach of their fiduciary duties to do the best that they could for the beneficiaries, by following the union’s policy, even if they were appointed by the union. Trustees must exercise an independent judgement regardless of the views of the person(s) appointing them, similar to a director’s obligation to exercise an independent judgement, regardless of the views of any party who may have procured his/her appointment as director. This case is a stern warning to a trustee who is expected to take instructions from anyone to act in a certain way. Trustees must always be and seen to be acting independently.
Trustees must always be able to justify their decisions, especially if they have discretionary powers in terms of the trust deed. They should not only record their decisions but should also give reasons for making them. They must always be able to show that they have used their mind in reaching a decision as to either make a distribution or withhold a distribution from a particular beneficiary and should preferably be supported by written reasons for their decisions. A further sound principal would be for trustees to request a motivation from beneficiaries when considering their needs to proof that they received inputs and have applied their minds to reach a certain decision.
The Wiid v Wiid case of 2012 ended in a liability for damages and a harsh judgement that the trustees of the trust should be removed. This case provides guidelines for trustees in terms of their discretionary powers provided in a trust deed. It is also clear that even though trust instruments in many cases contain a general stipulation that the trustees shall have an unlimited or unfettered discretion, it does not allow them to do as they please. They must always be able to prove that they acted in the best interest of the beneficiaries.
The father (founder and dominant trustee) registered a trust for the benefit of himself and of his family. The judge held that the discretion provided to the trustees in terms of the trust instrument as a whole, demonstrated that the founder’s primary objective was to treat his children equally and that the clause granting discretion to the trustees allowing the trustees to favour one beneficiary over another was meant to be applied only in exceptional circumstances. It was clear that the founder did not intend to grant the trustees an unlimited and arbitrary discretion. The trustees (the mother and the son) could not proof that they have applied their minds but were rather manipulated by the founder (the father) and they did not exercise their discretion in an impartial and independent manner. The judge decided that the trustees were personally liable for the damages the trust and the beneficiaries suffered due to a non-market related rental contract concluded with the son (only one of the beneficiaries).
Main source: Phia van der Spuy, founder of Trusteeze
It is probably not unnatural to be obsessed with
the great unknown, especially if you were an actor in the Star Trek series.
James Doohan, like Gene Roddenberry who created the original Star Trek series, had the same fixation with space. He played the role of Montgomery Scott, the chief engineer in the original series, who is associated with the catchphrase “Beam me up, Scotty”.
He loved space and had the wish that his ashes be flown into space. After his death on 20 July 2005, his wife, Wende, had him cremated to fulfill his request. She contracted with the same company, Celestic Inc, who also transported Gene Roddenberry’s cremated remains into space. They specialize in “memorial spaceflights”. Thus, on Tuesday, 22 May 2012, a capsule carrying a portion of his ashes were launched into orbit aboard a rocket from Cape Canaveral. Of course, he would rather have flown when he was alive, but that was the next best alternative!
Until next time!
“The Legatus Times” Team