Saambou Board of Executors Ltd
Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd has performed all fiduciary functions of Saambou Board of Executors Ltd since 1993 under the name of Saambou Board of Executors Ltd.
Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd has, since 2003, been the sole shareholder of Saambou Board of Executors Ltd and accordingly owns the Company. The Board of Executors Licence held by Saambou Board of Executors Ltd is retained within the company and thus is held by Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd.
All the Wills in which any of the following are the nominated executor and/or trustee.
Saambou Board of Executors Ltd
Saambou Eksekuteurskamer Bpk
Saambou Estates and Trusts Ltd
Saambou Boedel en Trust Bpk
SA Estates and Trusts Ltd
SA Boedels en Trust Bpk
Saambou Bank Ltd
Saambou Bank Bpk
Saambou Building Society
Saambou Bouvereniging